Endorsement Registry
Endorsement involves a standardized process to determine that a professional has accumulated specialized experiences in the infant/early childhood field and has signed a Code of Ethics. All Endorsement applicants receive a copy of the Code of Ethics. Experiences are documented by the submission of an application that details competency-based training, specialized work experiences, and for most, reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) experiences. The application also includes submission of reference rating forms on behalf of the applicant. Endorsees as Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor have passed an exam that includes measures of theoretical knowledge, direct service skills, and their capacity to apply these principles into practice.
Maintaining Endorsement requires ongoing training and, in the cases of Infant/Early Childhood Family Specialist, Infant/Early Childhood Family Reflective Supervisor, Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Clinical, ongoing RSC. Endorsees are required to recommit to upholding the Code of Ethics annually. However, the AIMH Endorsement does not offer monitoring for ethics violations.
Endorsement is not a professional license or a certificate. AIMH Endorsement cannot guarantee the quality of service of any endorsed professional. AIMH Endorsement does not include a process by which complaints or concerns regarding ethics can be filed.
Name | License | State | Endorsement Category |
Janina Martin, LCSW | AIMHHI | Hawaii | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Tonya Elkins | AIMHITN | TN | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Martha Howard | AIMHITN | TN | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Diana Morelen | AIMHITN | Tennessee | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Marva L. Lewis | ALLIANCE | LA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Samantha Brown | COAIMH | Colorado | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Lorraine F. Kubicek | COAIMH | CO | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Kelly Lavin Elliott | COAIMH | Colorado | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Deborah Young | COAIMH | Colorado | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
JoAnn Robinson | CTAIMH | CT | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Cynthia A Frosch | F5A | Alabama | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Heather Agazzi | FAIMH | Fl | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Kristin Mena | FIRST3YEARS | TX | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Natalie R Baerwaldt | FIRST3YEARS | TX | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Kere Hughes-Belding (Kere Pond, Kere Hughes) | IAIECMH | IA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Angela Tomlin | INFANCY-ONWARD | IN | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Katherine Kicey | ITMHCA | Arizona | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn | MAIECMH | MN | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Alyssa Meuwissen | MAIECMH | Minnesota | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Lee MacKinnon | MASSAIMH | MA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Ruth Paris | MASSAIMH | MA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Katie Volk | MASSAIMH | MA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Marjorie Beeghly, Ph.D. | MI-AIMH | MI | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Holly Brophy-Herb | MI-AIMH | MI | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Carolyn Dayton | MI-AIMH | MI | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Alissa Huth-Bocks | MI-AIMH | Ohio | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Sarah Shea | MI-AIMH | Michigan | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Ann Stacks | MI-AIMH | MI | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Tammi Ohmstede-Schmoker | NAIMH | NE | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Julia Torquati | NAIMH | Nebraska | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Jes Fyall Cardenas | NCIMHA | NC | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Marjorie Brickley | NJAIMH | NJ | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Lorri Sullivan | NJAIMH | NJ | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Melissa Burnham | NVAIECMH | NV | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Carol Morris | NYSAIMH | NY | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Tessa Chesher | OKAIMH | OK | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Amanda Morris | OKAIMH | OK | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Ginger Welch | OKAIMH | Oklahoma | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Robert Gallen | PA-AIMH | PA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Sheila Grant Orphanides | RIAIMH | RI | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Mary Ellen Warren | SCIMHA | SC | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |
Lisa Terry | VAIMH | VA | Infant Mental Health Mentor (Research/Faculty) |